Kinfolk Volume 23 by Kinfolk
Kinfolk Volume 23 : Paperback : SIMON & SCHUSTER : 9781941815267 : 194181526X : 13 Oct 2017 : Kinfolk Issue Twenty-Three The spring issue of Kinfolk examines the nuances of free time, its rituals and rhythms and its capacity to reinvigorate. Rather than advising how to fill 48 hours, the issue offers insight into why we should fill our weekends, and how doing so can lead to personal f... zur Produkt-Seite
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Mr. Putter and Tabby Pour the Tea , Hörbuch, Digital, 1, 6min
Mr. Putter is tired of living all alone, with no one to share his morning English muffins or his afternoon tea. He has many wonderful stories to tell, but no one to tell them to. What Mr. Putter needs is some good company. But good company is hard to find. This first adventure in award-winning author Cynthia Rylant´s popular series introduces readers to a pair of friends who are just ... zur Produkt-Seite
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Your Health by Joseph Hubertus Pilates
Your Health : Paperback : Presentation Dynamics Inc : 9780961493783 : 096149378X : 28 Apr 2016 : First published in 1934, this new reprint of Your Health includes Joseph PilatesÂ? early Twentieth Century philosophies, principles, and theories about health and fitness. He bases his work on the concept of a balanced body and mind, drawing on the approach espoused by the early Greeks. Wh... zur Produkt-Seite
2928369 {"price-changing":0,"image":"https:\/\/image.vergleiche.ch\/small\/aHR0cHM6Ly9kMjBlcTkxemRta3FkLmNsb3VkZnJvbnQubmV0L2Fzc2V0cy9pbWFnZXMvYm9vay9scmcvOTc4MC85NjE0Lzk3ODA5NjE0OTM3ODMuanBn!aHR0cHM6Ly9kMjBlcTkxemRta3FkLmNsb3VkZnJvbnQubmV0L2Fzc2V0cy9pbWFnZXMvYm9vay9scmcvOTc4MC85NjE0Lzk3ODA5NjE0OTM3ODMuanBn","post_title":"Your Health by Joseph Hubertus Pilates","deeplink":"https:\/\/www.awin1.com\/pclick.php?p=27032587693&a=401125&m=16829&pref1=9780961493783","labels":[],"brand_id":1,"post_content":"Your Health : Paperback : Presentation Dynamics Inc : 9780961493783 : 096149378X : 28 Apr 2016 : First published in 1934, this new reprint of Your Health includes Joseph Pilates\u00c2? early Twentieth Century philosophies, principles, and theories about health and fitness. He bases his work on the concept of a balanced body and mind, drawing on the approach espoused by the early Greeks. While some of his personal philosophies reflected early 20th Century viewpoints, his athletic and fitness doctrines were years ahead of his time. Readers will learn his observations and conclusions about people's ...","merchants_number":1,"ean":9780961493783,"category_id":1,"size":null,"min_price":21.949999999999999289457264239899814128875732421875,"low_price_merchant_id":3084988,"ID":2928369,"merchants":["the-book-depository"],"brand":"undefined","slug":"your-health-by-joseph-hubertus-pilates","url":"\/produkt\/your-health-by-joseph-hubertus-pilates\/","low_price_merchant_name":"The Book Depository"}
Devotions by Mary Oliver
Devotions : Paperback : Penguin Putnam Inc : 9780399563263 : 0399563261 : 10 Nov 2020 : Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Mary Oliver presents a personal selection of her best work in this definitive collection spanning more than five decades of her esteemed literary career. Throughout her celebrated career, Mary Oliver has touched countless readers with her brilliantly crafted verse, expou... zur Produkt-Seite
2961201 {"price-changing":0,"image":"https:\/\/image.vergleiche.ch\/small\/aHR0cHM6Ly9kMXc3ZmIybWtrcjNrdy5jbG91ZGZyb250Lm5ldC9hc3NldHMvaW1hZ2VzL2Jvb2svbHJnLzk3ODAvMzk5NS85NzgwMzk5NTYzMjYzLmpwZw==!aHR0cHM6Ly9kMXc3ZmIybWtrcjNrdy5jbG91ZGZyb250Lm5ldC9hc3NldHMvaW1hZ2VzL2Jvb2svbHJnLzk3ODAvMzk5NS85NzgwMzk5NTYzMjYzLmpwZw==","post_title":"Devotions by Mary Oliver","deeplink":"https:\/\/www.awin1.com\/pclick.php?p=27593582981&a=401125&m=16829&pref1=9780399563263","labels":[],"brand_id":1,"post_content":"Devotions : Paperback : Penguin Putnam Inc : 9780399563263 : 0399563261 : 10 Nov 2020 : Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Mary Oliver presents a personal selection of her best work in this definitive collection spanning more than five decades of her esteemed literary career. Throughout her celebrated career, Mary Oliver has touched countless readers with her brilliantly crafted verse, expounding on her love for the physical world and the powerful bonds between all living things. Identified as \"far and away, this country's best selling poet\" by Dwight Garner, she now returns with a stunning...","merchants_number":1,"ean":9780399563263,"category_id":1,"size":null,"min_price":20.10000000000000142108547152020037174224853515625,"low_price_merchant_id":3084988,"ID":2961201,"merchants":["the-book-depository"],"brand":"undefined","slug":"devotions-by-mary-oliver-1","url":"\/produkt\/devotions-by-mary-oliver-1\/","low_price_merchant_name":"The Book Depository"}
ME Reader Disney Princess by N/A
ME Reader Disney Princess : Hardback : Phoenix International, Inc : 9781450868730 : 1450868738 : 04 Jan 2017 : Join the wonderful Disney Princesses on their adventures! Eight illustrated storybooks featuring Belle, Ariel, Rapunzel, and more come packaged with a sleek Me Reader Module that reads each book aloud. Choose a book, press the matching book and page buttons on the module, and... zur Produkt-Seite
3524381 {"price-changing":0,"image":"https:\/\/image.vergleiche.ch\/small\/aHR0cHM6Ly9kMjBlcTkxemRta3FkLmNsb3VkZnJvbnQubmV0L2Fzc2V0cy9pbWFnZXMvYm9vay9scmcvOTc4MS80NTA4Lzk3ODE0NTA4Njg3MzAuanBn!aHR0cHM6Ly9kMjBlcTkxemRta3FkLmNsb3VkZnJvbnQubmV0L2Fzc2V0cy9pbWFnZXMvYm9vay9scmcvOTc4MS80NTA4Lzk3ODE0NTA4Njg3MzAuanBn","post_title":"ME Reader Disney Princess by N\/A","deeplink":"https:\/\/www.awin1.com\/pclick.php?p=26163607571&a=401125&m=16829&pref1=9781450868730","labels":[],"brand_id":1,"post_content":"ME Reader Disney Princess : Hardback : Phoenix International, Inc : 9781450868730 : 1450868738 : 04 Jan 2017 : Join the wonderful Disney Princesses on their adventures! Eight illustrated storybooks featuring Belle, Ariel, Rapunzel, and more come packaged with a sleek Me Reader Module that reads each book aloud. Choose a book, press the matching book and page buttons on the module, and hear the whole story, along with fun and surprising railway sounds! Follow along in the book for a fun, independent reading experience that builds confidence in beginning readers. Story sounds and expressive narration enhance reading comprehension.","merchants_number":1,"ean":9781450868730,"category_id":1,"size":null,"min_price":34.21000000000000085265128291212022304534912109375,"low_price_merchant_id":3084988,"ID":3524381,"merchants":["the-book-depository"],"brand":"undefined","slug":"me-reader-disney-princess-by-na","url":"\/produkt\/me-reader-disney-princess-by-na\/","low_price_merchant_name":"The Book Depository"}
Coming Home to Self by Nancy Verrier
Coming Home to Self : Paperback : CoramBAAF : 9781905664818 : 1905664818 : 13 May 2010 : Although written with adopted children and adult adoptees in mind, Coming Home to Self is a book that can help anyone who has experienced an early childhood trauma or feels the need to re-examine their life and who they are. From understanding basic trauma and the neurological consequences of trau... zur Produkt-Seite
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Dogmatics in Outline by Karl Barth
Dogmatics in Outline : Paperback : HarperCollins Publishers Inc : 9780061300561 : 006130056X : 01 Jan 2009 : Barth stands before us as the greatest theologian of the twentieth century, yet the massive corpus of work which he left behind, the multi volume Church Dogmatics, can seem daunting and formidable to readers today. Fortunately his Dogmatics in Outline first published in English... zur Produkt-Seite
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The Babar Collection by Jean de Brunhoff
Babar Collection Slipcase, The : Hardback : Egmont UK Ltd : 9780603577574 : 0603577571 : 10 Jan 2020 : Jean de Brunhoff&;s tales of Babar have charmed readers around the world for 80 years. One of those most iconic series of animal books in history, Babar has become a household name both as a character in children's books and on TV. Beautifully illustrated, this edition is an ideal gi... zur Produkt-Seite
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