Labyrinth of Birth by Pam England
Labyrinth of Birth : Paperback : BIRTHING FROM WITHIN BOOKS : 9781616230371 : 1616230371 : 01 Jul 2010 : Designed to transform the experience of childbirth, this manual calls upon the use of the timeless and powerful symbol of the labyrinth in 12 simple meditations and ceremonies. Ideal as a tool for centering the self and calming the body and mind, this guide ushers readers through t... zur Produkt-Seite
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Women and Leadership by Julia Gillard
Women and Leadership : Paperback : Transworld Publishers Ltd : 9781787634381 : 1787634388 : 21 Sep 2020 : For readers of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Sheryl Sandberg and Mary Beard, Women and Leadership is a powerful call to arms about the lack of women at the top. 'Who better qualified to delve into this topic?' Business Life _______________ Women make up less than 10 per cent of nation... zur Produkt-Seite
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Beautiful Resistance by Jon Tyson
Beautiful Resistance : Paperback : Multnomah Press : 9780735290693 : 0735290695 : 21 Jul 2020 : "Seeing so much heartache in the world, and so much compromise within the Church, Jon Tyson believes we must redouble our efforts to build a community of hope that is stronger than the hollow culture around us. Tyson invites readers to pursue key disciplines and rhythms through truths such ... zur Produkt-Seite
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The Whole-Brain Child Workbook by Daniel J. Siegel
The Whole-Brain Child Workbook : Paperback : Blue Book Publications Inc : 9781936128747 : 1936128748 : 01 Jan 2016 : Based on their NY Times Best Selling book, The Whole-Brain Child, internationally acclaimed neuropsychiatrist Dan Siegel and brain-based parenting expert Tina Payne Bryson have created a workbook to apply Whole-Brain principles. The Whole-Brain Child Workbook has a uniq... zur Produkt-Seite
2926451 {"price-changing":0,"image":"https:\/\/image.vergleiche.ch\/small\/aHR0cHM6Ly9kM2J5MzZ4OHNqNmNyYS5jbG91ZGZyb250Lm5ldC9hc3NldHMvaW1hZ2VzL2Jvb2svbHJnLzk3ODEvOTM2MS85NzgxOTM2MTI4NzQ3LmpwZw==!aHR0cHM6Ly9kM2J5MzZ4OHNqNmNyYS5jbG91ZGZyb250Lm5ldC9hc3NldHMvaW1hZ2VzL2Jvb2svbHJnLzk3ODEvOTM2MS85NzgxOTM2MTI4NzQ3LmpwZw==","post_title":"The Whole-Brain Child Workbook by Daniel J. Siegel","deeplink":"https:\/\/www.awin1.com\/pclick.php?p=27032562149&a=401125&m=16829&pref1=9781936128747","labels":[],"brand_id":1,"post_content":"The Whole-Brain Child Workbook : Paperback : Blue Book Publications Inc : 9781936128747 : 1936128748 : 01 Jan 2016 : Based on their NY Times Best Selling book, The Whole-Brain Child, internationally acclaimed neuropsychiatrist Dan Siegel and brain-based parenting expert Tina Payne Bryson have created a workbook to apply Whole-Brain principles. The Whole-Brain Child Workbook has a unique, interactive approach that allows readers not only to think more deeply about how the ideas fit their own parenting approach, but also develop specific and practical ways to implement the concepts -- and bring them to life for ...","merchants_number":1,"ean":9781936128747,"category_id":1,"size":null,"min_price":22,"low_price_merchant_id":3084988,"ID":2926451,"merchants":["the-book-depository"],"brand":"undefined","slug":"the-whole-brain-child-workbook-by-daniel-j-siegel","url":"\/produkt\/the-whole-brain-child-workbook-by-daniel-j-siegel\/","low_price_merchant_name":"The Book Depository"}
Animals in Spirit by Penelope Smith
Animals in Spirit : Paperback : Beyond Words Publishing : 9781582701776 : 1582701776 : 08 Jan 2008 : The pioneer in the field of animal communication shows how to explore and transform the often traumatic experience of losing a beloved animal into a positive, uplifting experience for both animals and human friends. With true stories and insights from people and their animals about dyi... zur Produkt-Seite
2943356 {"price-changing":0,"image":"https:\/\/image.vergleiche.ch\/small\/aHR0cHM6Ly9kMXc3ZmIybWtrcjNrdy5jbG91ZGZyb250Lm5ldC9hc3NldHMvaW1hZ2VzL2Jvb2svbHJnLzk3ODEvNTgyNy85NzgxNTgyNzAxNzc2LmpwZw==!aHR0cHM6Ly9kMXc3ZmIybWtrcjNrdy5jbG91ZGZyb250Lm5ldC9hc3NldHMvaW1hZ2VzL2Jvb2svbHJnLzk3ODEvNTgyNy85NzgxNTgyNzAxNzc2LmpwZw==","post_title":"Animals in Spirit by Penelope Smith","deeplink":"https:\/\/www.awin1.com\/pclick.php?p=27032653477&a=401125&m=16829&pref1=9781582701776","labels":[],"brand_id":1,"post_content":"Animals in Spirit : Paperback : Beyond Words Publishing : 9781582701776 : 1582701776 : 08 Jan 2008 : The pioneer in the field of animal communication shows how to explore and transform the often traumatic experience of losing a beloved animal into a positive, uplifting experience for both animals and human friends. With true stories and insights from people and their animals about dying, death, and beyond, readers will learn how to release feelings of loss and separation and instead stay connected to their animal friend in spirit. How do animals feel about crossing over? What do they communicate...","merchants_number":1,"ean":9781582701776,"category_id":1,"size":null,"min_price":17,"low_price_merchant_id":3084988,"ID":2943356,"merchants":["the-book-depository"],"brand":"undefined","slug":"animals-in-spirit-by-penelope-smith","url":"\/produkt\/animals-in-spirit-by-penelope-smith\/","low_price_merchant_name":"The Book Depository"}
The Stars within You by Juliana McCarthy
The Stars within You : Paperback : Shambhala Publications Inc : 9781611805116 : 1611805112 : 23 Oct 2018 : A fresh introduction to astrology that will provide a contemporary perspective on this age-old practice. Where have we been? Where are we going? There is no greater roadmap than the stars for helping us to recognize habitual patterns, discovering our gifts, and figuring out how t... zur Produkt-Seite
2922304 {"price-changing":0,"image":"https:\/\/image.vergleiche.ch\/small\/aHR0cHM6Ly9kMXc3ZmIybWtrcjNrdy5jbG91ZGZyb250Lm5ldC9hc3NldHMvaW1hZ2VzL2Jvb2svbHJnLzk3ODEvNjExOC85NzgxNjExODA1MTE2LmpwZw==!aHR0cHM6Ly9kMXc3ZmIybWtrcjNrdy5jbG91ZGZyb250Lm5ldC9hc3NldHMvaW1hZ2VzL2Jvb2svbHJnLzk3ODEvNjExOC85NzgxNjExODA1MTE2LmpwZw==","post_title":"The Stars within You by Juliana McCarthy","deeplink":"https:\/\/www.awin1.com\/pclick.php?p=26806105793&a=401125&m=16829&pref1=9781611805116","labels":[],"brand_id":1,"post_content":"The Stars within You : Paperback : Shambhala Publications Inc : 9781611805116 : 1611805112 : 23 Oct 2018 : A fresh introduction to astrology that will provide a contemporary perspective on this age-old practice. Where have we been? Where are we going? There is no greater roadmap than the stars for helping us to recognize habitual patterns, discovering our gifts, and figuring out how to move toward greater joy and contentment. A Modern Guide to Astrology provides readers with a fresh perspective on the fundamentals of astrology and how to read their own birth charts. With accessible depictions of the...","merchants_number":1,"ean":9781611805116,"category_id":1,"size":null,"min_price":19.60000000000000142108547152020037174224853515625,"low_price_merchant_id":3084988,"ID":2922304,"merchants":["the-book-depository"],"brand":"undefined","slug":"the-stars-within-you-by-juliana-mccarthy","url":"\/produkt\/the-stars-within-you-by-juliana-mccarthy\/","low_price_merchant_name":"The Book Depository"}
Collected Poems by Jack Gilbert
Collected Poems : Paperback : Random House USA Inc : 9780375711763 : 0375711767 : 15 Sep 2014 : Gathered in this volume readers will find more than fifty years of poems by the incomparable Jack Gilbert, from his Yale Younger Poets prize-winning volume to glorious late poems, including a section of previously uncollected work. There is no one quite like Jack Gilbert in postwar Americ... zur Produkt-Seite
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Metallic Rock Painting (Tuck Box) by Hinkler Books Hinkler Books
Metallic Rock Painting Box Set : Hardback : Hinkler Books : 9781488936357 : 1488936358 : 01 Sep 2018 : The perfect kit for those who enjoy the creative and meditative pastimes of arts and crafts, Metallic Rock Painting teaches how to create eye-catching works of art that will stylishly shine and glimmer. Author and mandala-stone artist Katie Cameron guides readers step-by-step through... zur Produkt-Seite
2974393 {"price-changing":0,"image":"https:\/\/image.vergleiche.ch\/small\/aHR0cHM6Ly9kMXc3ZmIybWtrcjNrdy5jbG91ZGZyb250Lm5ldC9hc3NldHMvaW1hZ2VzL2Jvb2svbHJnLzk3ODEvNDg4OS85NzgxNDg4OTM2MzU3LmpwZw==!aHR0cHM6Ly9kMXc3ZmIybWtrcjNrdy5jbG91ZGZyb250Lm5ldC9hc3NldHMvaW1hZ2VzL2Jvb2svbHJnLzk3ODEvNDg4OS85NzgxNDg4OTM2MzU3LmpwZw==","post_title":"Metallic Rock Painting (Tuck Box) by Hinkler Books Hinkler Books","deeplink":"https:\/\/www.awin1.com\/pclick.php?p=27987483335&a=401125&m=16829&pref1=9781488936357","labels":[],"brand_id":1,"post_content":"Metallic Rock Painting Box Set : Hardback : Hinkler Books : 9781488936357 : 1488936358 : 01 Sep 2018 : The perfect kit for those who enjoy the creative and meditative pastimes of arts and crafts, Metallic Rock Painting teaches how to create eye-catching works of art that will stylishly shine and glimmer. Author and mandala-stone artist Katie Cameron guides readers step-by-step through the process of making eight luminous metallic designs, providing tips, tricks and handy hints along the way. From the simple but stunning Bubble design, to the gorgeous Dragon Egg, to the intricate and phenomenal ...","merchants_number":1,"ean":9781488936357,"category_id":1,"size":null,"min_price":12.019999999999999573674358543939888477325439453125,"low_price_merchant_id":3084988,"ID":2974393,"merchants":["the-book-depository"],"brand":"undefined","slug":"metallic-rock-painting-tuck-box-by-hinkler-books-hinkler-books","url":"\/produkt\/metallic-rock-painting-tuck-box-by-hinkler-books-hinkler-books\/","low_price_merchant_name":"The Book Depository"}