Did you know that Thomas Jefferson´s grandson was an ax murderer? Do you delight knowing that some dinosaurs were as teeny tiny as hens? Wonder what it´s like to live in Hell Town at the End of the World? How about an ailment so surreal it´s named after Alice in Wonderland? In A People´s History of the Peculiar, historian Nick Belardes has dug into the raw source material found in historical archives, scientific studies, and libraries the world over to find facts, lists, definitions, and astonishing... Mehr
Nick Belardes
A People´s History of the Peculiar: A Freak Show of Facts, Random Obsessions and Astounding Truths , Hörbuch, Digital, 1, 478min
{"ID":1279917,"title":"A People\u00b4s History of the Peculiar: A Freak Show of Facts, Random Obsessions and Astounding Truths , H\u00f6rbuch, Digital, 1, 478min"}