The wordsy woman philosophy when it comes to book marketing is that there is no one-size-fits-all magic bullet tactic that’s going to work for every author and every book. There is no proven system you can follow that will guarantee that your book will become a best seller. What works for one author, one book, or one reader may not work for another. So, I advocate getting back to the marketing basics. In Book Marketing Basics: The 5 Ps, you will go beyond hit-and-miss marketing tactics to learn... Mehr
Jodie Toohey
Book Marketing Basics: The 5 Ps: Applying the Fundamentals to Your Book , Hörbuch, Digital, 1, 177min
{"ID":2113959,"title":"Book Marketing Basics: The 5 Ps: Applying the Fundamentals to Your Book , H\u00f6rbuch, Digital, 1, 177min"}