undefined, Milk from Cow to Carton by Rd Find out, Milk from Cow to Carton by Rd Find out
undefined, Milk from Cow to Carton by Rd Find out, Milk from Cow to Carton by Rd Find out

Milk from Cow to Carton : Book : HarperCollins Publishers Inc : 9780064451116 : 0064451119 : 30 Oct 1992 : Aliki takes readers on a guided tour that begins with grazing cows, proceeds through milking and a trip to the dairy, and ends with some different foods made from milk. This revised edition of Aliki's 1974 "Green Grass and White Milk" is an even more fun-filled and informative explanation of milk's trip from green grass, to cow, to a cool glass on the table. Full-color illus.

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