Doggie Solutions, Obedience Mary's Way Puppy To Novice, Obedience Mary's Way Puppy To Novice
Doggie Solutions, Obedience Mary's Way Puppy To Novice, Obedience Mary's Way Puppy To Novice

Obedience Mary's Way Puppy To Novice Obedience Mary39s Way Puppy to NoviceMary Ray uses three dogs on this video - a young Border Collie puppy her own two year old Border Collie and her Sheltie The exercises covered in this video are play training starting heel work puppy recallsretrieves distance control introducing the clicker use of food toys and clickers progressing heel work recall scent sendaway and staysRunning time Approx 90 minutesOBEDIENCE MARY39S WAY PUPPY TO NOVICEnbsp

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