More than a meditation book, Quiet Mind is a series of reflections that can illuminate every aspect of life. It offers readers guidance on using the moments between activities - which the author calls ´´stillpoints´´ - as opportunities to focus on becoming more fully awake to who they are. ´´These times are the ´spaces in between´ the events of your life,´´ writes Kundtz, ´´spaces often lost, or worse - filled with anxiety. And these spaces in between are just waiting to bring you the... Mehr
David Kundtz
Quiet Mind: One-Minute Retreats from a Busy World , Hörbuch, Digital, 1, 358min
{"ID":1356867,"title":"Quiet Mind: One-Minute Retreats from a Busy World , H\u00f6rbuch, Digital, 1, 358min"}