David Baldacci tells a fast-paced, action-packed story in King and Maxwell, his sixth entry in the detective thriller series. Although the military and political situations are complicated, Sean King and Michelle Maxwell unravel the mystery logically, piece by piece. As a result, the entire story falls into place neatly, and readers won´t be left with unanswered questions. The developments are surprising, and their implications frightening, but the entire premise is believable. This review will prepare you for the world of King and Maxwell. Baldacci has a tight writing style, but his enthusiasm shines through, and the overall story is well-crafted, with enough action to keep readers on the edge of their seats without overwhelming them. A native of Washington, D.C., David Baldacci makes it easy for the readers to grasp the setting. As this review explains, the characters are just as well-crafted as the novel and setting. Michelle Maxwell and Sean King are three-dimensional, and their relationship has many layers. Even the teenage characters are treated well. They are intelligent and defy the angst-ridden stereotypes. This review guides you through the strengths and weaknesses of King and Maxwell, even incorporating critical reviews of the novel. 1. Language: English. Narrator: Michael Sears. Audio sample: http://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/015756/bk_acx0_015756_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.... Mehr