A boon for booklovers, this audio set features funny, fantastical and poignant stories about people with unique and passionate connections to the written word. Tony Roberts reads a hilarious Walter R. Brooks story about how Ed - a talking horse - became a voracious reader of adventure tales and mysteries. In a story by Italo Calvino, read by John Shea, a man tries to make the most of his beach holiday by reading and making love at the same time. Leonard Nimoy performs a dark, vintage Evelyn Waugh... Mehr
Evelyn Waugh, Molly Giles, Ray Bradbury, Italo Calvino, Adam Haslett
Selected Shorts: Readers & Writers , Hörbuch, Digital, 1, 192min
{"ID":2227302,"title":"Selected Shorts: Readers & Writers , H\u00f6rbuch, Digital, 1, 192min"}