Doggie Solutions, Sengoku Lead, Sengoku Lead
Doggie Solutions, Sengoku Lead, Sengoku Lead

Sengoku Lead nbspEnvy Sengoku Designer Dog LeadThe Envy Sengoku Leads to match Sengoku Collars bring a touch of class to your dogsrsquos wardrobe The Envy range of collars have a distinctive style a robust quality but also allows your dog to make a fashion statement that hisher friends will ENVY Available Colours Red yellow or purplenbspnbspnbspSizesnbspSizeWidthLengthnbsp EX Small1 cm120 cmSmall15 cm120 cmMedium2 cm120 cmLarge25 cm120 cmnbspnbspnbspnbspnbsp

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