undefined, The Nia Technique by Carlos Rosas, The Nia Technique by Debbie Rosas
undefined, The Nia Technique by Carlos Rosas, The Nia Technique by Debbie Rosas
undefined, The Nia Technique by Carlos Rosas, The Nia Technique by Debbie Rosas undefined, The Nia Technique by Carlos Rosas, The Nia Technique by Debbie Rosas

The Nia Technique : Paperback : Kultur International Films : 9780767917308 : 0767917308 : 25 Apr 2005 : The hottest new trend in mind-body wellness, Nia is flourishing in gyms and fitness centers all across the country. Direct from the creators of this revolutionary program, this is the first--and only--book to bring the Nia workout and philosophy out of the gym and into the hands of readers.

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